A Fun Bumper Sticker Design Guide

Horizontal striped red, white and blue, bumper sticker on lower left rear bumper of car. It reads You Can Attract More Flies With Honey.

By: Naomi J. Myrick, Decals.com Staff Writer

In this guide, I’m going to show you how to create fun and funny bumper sticker designs. I have plenty of ideas already, and I can’t wait to share them with you!

These are the three sections we will cover:

  • Method
  • Madness
  • Ideas

Let’s get started!


Cartoon lady holding a red and white lightbulb, giant pencil and picture.

The best way to begin your custom bumper sticker design process is just to think of stuff that you like. Sports, animals, snacks, etc. Determine a political or social cause that you have a heart for. Once you have your theme pegged down, it’s time to come up with some colors and graphics ideas. 

You know what you want to say, the next thing to do is to figure out how to say it.


Two yellow happy faces with hypnotic swirly eyes. One is smiling and one has a shocked expresion.

You haven’t actually gone mad, but there is a fine line between madness and genius — in art and other things. So, it’s perfectly acceptable to toe the line. Create the high quality sticker  beast that you want.

Bumper stickers are the unique space to say exactly what you want at highway speeds as well as surreptitiously — in a parking lot. Outside of a rare violent road rage incident, promoting your causes generally won’t result in much more trouble than a keyed car. 

They’re also scratch and water-resistant! Shrug. So let your creative hounds loose and see what they do!

Fun Bumper Sticker Ideas

Yellow light bulbs in repeating pattern on pale pink background.

Take note of these ideas, “borrow” or create your own custom variation.

Car sticker on a Bentley (or of a Bentley)

White Bentley sedan with a black and white bumper sticker that says Honey, Would You  Put a Bumper Sticker on a Bentley? License plats reads B Is For Bentley.

But uh, you’d need a Bentley and they’re fairly uncommon even among the rich and famous. But what you could do is make a bumper sticker that looks like a Bentley! It is ironic.

Inside Jokes

ink horse trailer with bay, and gray horses inside. Their bridled heads are near the back window. Bumper sticker has two horses neighing and the text reads It's An Inside Joke.

This works best in a small town, and / or on hand-me-down teenager vehicles. It’s still fun though to feel connected driving around after or before school. Some advice though? Keep it classy, keep it clean.

1990s TV Sitcom Catchphrases applicable to driving

Back bumper of a purple car. There is a 90s styled bumper sticker that reads, You Got it Dude ala Full House sitcom show.

“You got it, dude.”

“Oh, mylanta.”

“We’re not worthy!”

“Did I do that?”

“The truth is out there.”

Ford vs. Chevy vs. Dodge

Tailgate of black Chevy Colorado. There is a blue and red bumper sticker  on the tailgate that says Chevy Girl.

Just remember that you chose to cross this line. Any parking lot, freeway or other banter is your responsibility.

Violent Stick People

Back bumper of white sedan. There is a bumper sticker of a bickering stick people family in a children's colored drawing of grass, a tree and a yellow house.

Ya know those “adorable” stick people family decals? This ain’t it. Think darker.

Christmas with… Evil robot Santa!

Back bumpers of snow covered white sedan. There is a bumper sticker of an evil robot Santa. Text reads Ho Ho Ho and Choose Your Fighter.

Embrace the truth. You’ll either have to fight them or join them, so stiff upper lip, it’s time to pick a team.

Monty Python Bunny - Year of The Rabbit

Back bumper of silver sedan. Bumper sticker of a surprised grey striped cat. The text says What Year Is It?

Has this year left you seriously wondering, ”Who has the grenade?!? Time to make a bumper sticker to reflect your confusion and angst.

Holidays that don’t really matter

Back bumper of pink sedan. There is a round bumper sticker of a pink sprinkled donut. Pink text on white in a circular shape says Every Day Should Be National Donut Day.



Back bumper of teal van. Die-cut star shaped sticker in geometric patter of yellow and white.

Squares are so passé’. Try an octagon or right-angled trapezoid. Modern art is basically just interest without reason anyhow.

Historical Sticker Busts

Back bumper of blue sedan. There is a rainbow patterned bumper sticker with a graphic of Aristotle. The text says There is no Great Genius without Madness - Aristotle.

Socrates, Aristotle, Jefferson. Don’t think big; think legendary.

So, go forth and design! You could also incorporate car magnets into your bumper sticker campaign.